Dave Kahle Wisdom

In the book, “Built to Last:  Successful Habits of Visionary Companies” authors Jim Collins and Jerry Porras offered the notion of a BHAG – a Big Hairy Audacious Goal.  It is a long-term goal (10 years or more) that challenges the company, by motivating and focusing the entire resources of the company. The BHAG is designed to pull a team together, and motivate the team to achieve something that wouldn’t have been possible without the shared commitment

           It has since taken its place in the menu of proven strategies of an effectively run business. Christian businesses, however, have an opportunity to use an even more powerful strategy – Developing a BHAGGG – Big Hairy Audacious God-Given Goal.

The addition of the two G’s in the acronym make all the difference.  Whereas a BHAG is the result of human invention, a BHAGGG brings God into the process.

           Instead of focusing on what we want for the business, a BHAGGG asks and answers the question, “What does God want for this business?”

           A BHAGGG is your best understanding of what God wants to do in your business.  It’s not what you want, it is what He wants.  Therefore, it proceeds out of a relationship with Him and is preceded by intense prayer. It may be received as a revelation.

           The process is to ask Him, prior to any planning events, what He would like to accomplish in your business.  That isn’t a one-day prayer, but a regular, repetitive request.  Don’t be surprised if He reveals it a small bit at time.

           So, you proceed with faith and the knowledge that this is His business, and He has a plan for it.  Your job is to discern that plan.

           At some point, you’ll have a statement that is your best understanding of what God wants to do in your business.  Then measure it by these criteria in order to check on the credibility of the source:

           1.  Is it beyond your abilities and resources to do on your own?  It can only be    accomplished by God’s intervention.

           2.  Is it in keeping with God’s will as revealed in the Bible?  

           3.  Does it arise out of your gifts and calling? In other words, is it unique to you and your business?    

           4.  Is it in keeping with your best understanding of His past involvement in your            life/business

           5.  Is it affirmed or supported by other wise and mature Christian people who know you?

           If you can say yes to all five criteria, you have a goal which just might transform your business and usher in a time of great accomplishment.



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