Dave Kahle Wisdom

Have We Lost The Ability to Say NO?

It seems like more and more business people have lost the ability to say no. That’s too bad.  Being able to say no is a higher level skill that is advantageous in both business as well as life in general. Those who don’t master the art of saying no...

Hidden Costs in a Sales Team

The biggest cost in a sales team is often invisible and unacknowledged.  Yet, it costs the company more in opportunities lost than any other single issue. Many sales managers aren’t even aware of it.  Let’s take a look. The Kahle Way(r) B2B...

3 Greatest Challenges for Sales Managers

Over my career, I’ve worked with hundreds, maybe even thousands of sales managers, and I’ve learned some things. Regardless of the size of business, the product sold or market to which it is sold, sales managers share some common hurdles.  Here are the...